Sunday, July 19, 2009

Are we going to sort things out?

So after a very tense week... and with the husband gone for a couple of times -- we have finally waved white flags at each other over e-mail. Not the best way... but it had to be done.

He is home tonight. We both need to discuss all this crap that has been going on between us. Not fun. Not looking forward to it. But I guess it must be done.

I want to air some grievances... but also don't want to bring up anything that will cause a wider gap between us. Oh what to do. I am kind of going to wing it when the time comes. I have some key points I wish to discuss. We shall see. But we definitely need to clear the air.

On a happier note.. here are just a few very funny and may I say, sophisticated things that little Lu has said recently:

The other day she put her hand in my mouth.. so I gently bit down on it (very gently -- not hard) and she said... "Ouch mommy.. I'm not a cracker...!!"

Today after lunch she just said... mommy can I look at your watch for a second... so I said.. sure.... she looks at it and says "Oh.. it's chocolate time!!!"

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