First off ... Happy Canada Day!
ok... I have had a really great day today. The Husband and Lu left yesterday for the start of our vacation. I am joining up with them tomorrow as I had some things to finish today... so I have had 24 hours of JUST ME!!!!!!!!
It has been 3 years since I have been JUST ME!!!!! Can you tell how excited I am about being JUST ME!!!
You forget the importance of mom time ... It has been such a long time since I have had a chance to recharge my batteries -- and so long overdue... this has been great.
So today...for my freedom 24 hours... I channeled my cat! Because cats know best how to lounge, linger and luxuriate!
Here is how the day unfolded:
7am wake up -- ON MY OWN (i.e. not woken up out of bed by shrieking, cries, screams.... stomping of husband, barfing cat, etc.)
7:30 check e-mail to catch up with husband and daughter
8 - empty dishwasher, let dog and cat out. Make raspberry smoothie
8:30 - back to bed with smoothie in hand and a magazine I have been dying to read
10am -- get dressed and outside to water plants, wander aimlessly around property, throw frisbee for the dog
11am -- start to clean the house -- in an orderly and not rushed manner. I even had a chance to treat the leather furniture and dust!!
12:30 - lunch
1 - nap
2 - walk the dog, sit under a tree and not do anything at all
4 - back to cleaning the house and pack for vacation
6 - dinner and update blog. Pretty well all my "chores" are done for the day. I now have the evening to continue my relaxation. Perhaps I'll take a bath. Or start my vacation book on the porch. Or watch cheesy videos on YouTube. Or maybe watch something decadent on TV!
The possibilities are endless
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