Ok... aside from the stray kitten who showed up at our door a week and a half ago... life has been pretty busy with christmas preparations, parties and other mundane stuff (work, housework, etc.)... but this month seems to be flying by and I am not ready for the big day!!!
It almost seems like December 25th is going to be here any minute and I just don't feel quite ready yet!!
We put up the tree this past weekend and Lu did a great job of helping me put up the decorations; the tree looks pretty good if I dare say so! I have most of the indoor decorations done and am almost finished with outdoor swag and lighting. And best of all... we had our first snowfall of the season... and it was the perfect kind of snowfall.. nice big, fat flakes floating gently coating trees, the road, our lawn, gardens and cars with a good amount of fluffy whiteness. The weather is still fairly mild so you can get out and enjoy the snow and revel in its purity and confirmation that the seasons have indeed change.
Shopping is almost complete; except for a few odds and ends... did most of my shopping online at LLBean and MEC (free shipping from both - -yeah!)
Christmas party invitations have been arriving fast and furious. We have already attended a number, with many more to come... specifically the Northumberland Women's Business Network (www.northumberlandwbn.com) Christmas Gala, which takes place tomorrow evening... am really looking forward to it!
But for now.. it is back to work... and the kitten is crawling all over me... and Lu is calling me from her bedroom because she forgot her favourite blankie.... and the husband has forgotten that it is his turn to clean the litter box... so I better gently remind him!
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