Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I am trying to find enough information and courage to go ahead with my "mom wear" clothing line. I have been researching this and obsessing over this idea for about 6 months now. I feel that if I don't move on it by now.... it will forever be lost.

Perhaps that is why I am writing this down. Once it is on "paper" and out in the open.. I can't really back down, can I?

So basically as far as I can see how this will begin: I need to get some ideas/sketches down on paper and do some further market research; I need to write a business plan, decide on a name and marketing strategy; I also need to find a supplier.. or maybe even a seamstress -- this is the part I am struggling with.... do I find someone to create my clothing template as examples.. or do I utilize a clothing manufacturer who can deliver the product in less time?

So many questions. And I wish I knew someone I could go to for answers?

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